Committee bio
Luke Isbel
Dr Luke Isbel is a group leader, holding a joint appointment at The South Australian immunoGENomics Cancer Institute (SAiGENCI) and The Adelaide Centre for Epigenetics (ACE), located at the University of Adelaide. His team is an inclusive and creative group aiming to understand how epigenetic forces (i.e. on chromatin) serve as a guiding force to direct gene regulatory machinery in cells, and how such interactions might be exploited in cancer therapeutic strategies.
Luke competed his PhD in 2016 at La Trobe University, under the supervision of Professor Emma Whitelaw, whereupon he embarked on a postdoctoral position in Basel, Switzerland in the lab of Professor Dirk Schübeler at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research. He was supported by two prestigious Fellowships - the Marie Sklodowska-curie Fellowship (EU) and CJ Martin Early Career Fellowship (NHMRC). He returned to Australia in late 2023 to establish his own laboratory. He is the recipient of the 2019 Chiquet-Ehrismann Originality prize and the 2024 Lorne Genome Mid-Career Millennium Prize.
Group Leader, Molecular Epigenetics Lab
SAiGENCI – South Australian immunoGENomics Cancer Institute
ACE – Adelaide Centre for Epigenetics