To all Early Career Researchers, The AEpiA Committee would like to invite you to apply for the new Emma Whitelaw ECR Publication Award. This award has a value of $1000 and is open to post-doctoral ECRs (less than 5 years post-PhD) and PhD/Masters/Honours students. It...

Epigenetics 2022 - Meet the speakers

By AEpiA | Jun 17, 2022 | News

Fewer than 90 days to go! Are you joining us at Salt Beach, Kingscliff for EPIGENETICS 2022? Register now Preliminary program is now online Our program will include presentations on the latest advances in epigenetics research that will inspire your own research and...

Emma Whitelaw ECR Publication Award

By AEpiA | Jun 30, 2022 | News, Opportunities

Early in 2008, Sue Clark brought a handful of epigenetics researchers from Australia together to form the Australian Epigenetics Alliance. The AEpiA has now grown to a membership of over 600, with members spanning not only Australasia, but the globe.  In February 2021, our Victorian local organising committee hosted our eighth flagship Epigenetics conference, online for the first time.  Our NSW team is now busy preparing for Epigenetics 2022, which will be held in September in Kingscliff, NSW.